Service Savvy, LLC

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5 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

We’ve all heard the saying “Work Smarter, Not Harder”, but what does that actually mean and how can entrepreneurs put those words into action? It sounds self-explanatory, but it can be easier said than done. Here are five ways to increase productivity and efficiency in your business.

Plan your weeks and months in advance. Planning ahead can help you reach your goals and execute your vision.

Planning helps you take control of your day-to-day life, focusing on what’s most important. You’ll also get a broader view of where you’re spending the most - and money to help you make adjustments if necessary. Research has shown that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Meet your obligations and focus on your core values by planning your weeks in advance. Start with the big picture and set your goals, breaking down larger goals into smaller ones if necessary. Design your days and include milestone dates to help you stay on course.

Don’t multitask. Many of us have answered this interview question a time or two in the past: “Can you multitask?”. Actually, dealing with more than one task at a specific time reduces your efficiency and performance because your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. According to TalentSmart, your brain lacks the capacity to successfully complete both tasks at once, and research has shown that multitasking actually lowers your IQ.

Even if you don’t suffer brain damage while multitasking, it’s not a good idea to compromise the quality of your work. Consider planning ahead to avoid multitasking, or outsource some of your duties to an assistant.

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Automation. One way to streamline your business operations and avoid busywork is by employing automated technology. Automation is the technology by which a process is performed with minimal human assistance. Benefits of automation include increased productivity, better product quality, and more efficient use of materials. You can consistently automate your marketing efforts with platforms like Buffer and Hootsuite and incorporate these tools into your client attraction system. Applications like Mailchimp and Constant Contact are great platforms for email automation and have been a significant tool for business owners to stay connected to their audience. The ‘Thank You’ email that you receive from your cell phone service provider after you’ve made an online payment? That’s automation. Ride the wave of the future by incorporating automation into your business.

Do important work only. Prioritizing your tasks and focusing on the work that matters will help you knock out your most tedious and painstaking tasks first and spend more time focused on the activities that drive your business. Sometimes, working less can actually produce better results. Time is a limited asset. A single entrepreneur can work 24/7 on a single project, but her competitor can hire a team of assistants and spend a lot more collective hours on the same project. The key to success is to work smarter, not harder. Requesting support can make us feel vulnerable, but asking for assistance is actually a sign of strength.

Outsourcing. Free up time for prospecting and face-to-face client meetings by outsourcing your marketing and administrative operations to a virtual assistant. By outsourcing your time-consuming activities, you’ll have extra hours in your day to focus on the income-producing activities that really drive your business. The key to effective management is delegation. Outsourcing your tasks is a cost-effective solution that can ultimately help you generate additional revenue for your company. Tiresome tasks that don’t drive sales but take up your entire morning are best left to a virtual assistant.

The way you spend your time is a reflection of the way you really see your priorities. To ensure you are spending your most valuable asset on the things that matter most to you not only ensures success in your business, but in your personal life as well. Planning out your life in advance and focusing on what’s important will get you into the habit of working smarter. Outsourcing your marketing and administrative tasks and creating automated systems for your business are some of the best ways to ensure you’re spending your time wisely. Consider these tips to help you make the most out of the hours you have in your day and maximize the efficiency in your business.

If you’d like to receive additional information on how a virtual assistant can help you save time and money in your business, click here to schedule a free consultation.

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